Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21-Series IX -9th Tranche-All You Wanted to Know
> Issue price Rs.5,000 per gm. Gold is on everyone's buying list. However, gold price has been rising to all-time highs and is still ruling at rates that are very, very high. So, if you get an opportunity to buy gold cheap, where you can make huge profit, then what will you do? RBI has released Sovereign Gold bond scheme in its 9th tranche.
> The Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2020-21 - Series IX will be open for subscription from December 28, 2020 to January 1, 2021. "The nominal value of the bond works out to Rs.5,000 per gram of Gold," the RBI said.
> SGBs are issued by the Government at regular intervals at the prevailing gold price. It has a fixed tenure of Eight years, but can be sold after a lock-in of Five years. However, if you hold SGBs till maturity, there will be no capital gain tax on the investment. You will get an interest of 2.5% annually, which will be paid semi-annually.
> The quantity of gold for which the investor pays is protected since they receive the ongoing market price at the time of redemption/ premature redemption. SGB offers a superior alternative to holding gold in physical form. Also, risks & costs of storage are eliminated in the case of these bonds. Investors are assured of the market value of gold at the time of maturity & periodical interest.
> Additionally, SGB is also free from issues like making charges & purity in the case of Gold in Jewellery form. The bonds are held in the books of the RBI or in Demat form eliminating the risk of loss of scrip etc. According to experts, SGBs remain the best vehicle to participate in Gold for the long term if the intent is to hold the bonds until maturity. One can also sell SGBs in the secondary market.
> Sovereign Gold bond issue price has been fixed at Rs.5,000 per gm. Those who buy online can get an additional discount of Rs.50. However, to really make a profit, here are top 5 Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme points you should know to make money.
1. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme Benefits :
a) People prefer buying physical Gold. This is generally in form of Jewellery. However, in this, the making charges are added to gold price, making it expensive & when you go to sell, you get less money. So, one of the best benefits of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme is this.
b) Another Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme benefit is that the investor receives the current/ongoing market price at the time of redemption or premature redemption. The SGB offers a superior alternative to holding gold in physical form. The risks and costs of storage are eliminated. SGB investors are assured of the market value of gold at the time of maturity & periodical interest.
c) The Sovereign Gold Bonds are held in the books of the RBI or in Demat form eliminating risk of loss of scrip etc.
2. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme: What are the risks involved in buying SGB?
In Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, there may be a risk of capital loss if the market price of gold declines. However, the investor does not lose in terms of the units of gold which he has paid for.
3. How much Gold can you buy under Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme.
The Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme issues bonds in denominations of one gram of gold & in multiples thereof. Minimum investment in Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme shall be one gram with a maximum limit of subscription of 4 kg for individuals, 4 kg for Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) & 20 kg for trusts & similar entities notified by the Government from time to time per fiscal year (April – March).
4. What is Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme rate of interest?
The Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme interest rate given to investors is 2.50% (Fixed Rate) per annum on the amount of initial investment. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme interest will be credited semi-annually to the bank account of the investor. The last Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme interest will be payable on maturity along with the principal.
5. What is Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme price on selling?
The nominal value of Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme is fixed on the basis of simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity, published by the India Bullion and Jeweller’s Association Ltd for the last 3 business days of the week preceding the subscription period.
6. What is Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme redemption price?
On maturity, the Gold Bonds Scheme redemption price shall be based on simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity of previous 3 business days from the date of repayment, published by the India Bullion & Jeweller’s Association Ltd.
7. How will Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme redemption amount be paid?
Both Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme Interest & Redemption proceeds will be credited to the bank account furnished by the customer at the time of buying the bond.
8. How to buy Sovereign Gold Bonds - Payment Method?
Payment for Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme can be made through cash (Upto Rs.20,000). SGB can be paid for via cheques, demand draft, or even electronic fund transfer.
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